Training Quality Assurance Policy

Equal Adventure is committed to the provision and maintenance of its quality assurance policy and procedures.
All procedures and practices carried out by Equal Adventure staff involved in the design, tutoring, assessment and verification of its courses and assessments are subject to this policy.
The Equal Adventure quality assurance system includes:

  1. Management – maintain overall responsibility for all operations (programme delivery, assessment and internal verification)
  2. Human resources –provide appropriately qualified and sufficient numbers of tutors, assessors and internal verifiers as is required; maintain records of reports, training and meetings for standardisation of practice
  3. Programme delivery – provide course timetables reflecting a logical and progressive structure; provide a named support tutor to every candidate during periods of distance learning; demonstrate a range of teaching and learning approaches; manage assessment opportunities; maintain records of blended learning delivery (distance learning and face­-to-­face); maintain records of candidate support provision
  4. Internal verification – maintain sufficient and appropriate sampling to cover the number and experience of tutors/assessors, the number of students/candidates and the number of assessment opportunities; provide reports and feedback (including action points for training) to the tutor and assessment teams
  5. Assessment – maintain candidate profile records, candidate progress log; provide appropriately qualified and informed invigilators, assessors and internal verifiers as is required; maintain valid and reliable assessment methods; maintain valid and reliable candidate evidence
  6. Physical resources – provide and uphold a health and safety policy; complete risk assessments; provide appropriate teaching (theory and practical) and assessment environments; provide appropriate teaching aids and learning resources.